Brackett & Ellis’ School Law Section Announcements

November 3, 2022 – Education Law Association

Dr. Sarah Flournoy presented Pico Plinko: The Supreme Court, Circuit Courts, and School Libraries.

November 4, 2022 – Education Law Association

Dr. Sarah Flournoy, a member of the Brackett & Ellis School law group, was elected to the Education Law Association board for a three-year term. Sarah was previously appointed to complete the final year of an unexpired term and co-chairs the organization’s technology committee.  This year, Sarah will also serve as Board Secretary. 

November 18 – Tarrant County Bar Association Brown Bag lunch

 Several attorneys from B&E will be speaking at the TCBA Brown Bag lunch. Dr. Sarah Flournoy will present “School Library Books”.

December 7, 2022 – New Superintendent Academy – Region 11 ESC

Dr. Sarah Flournoy and Tom Myers will present an overview of the law on the new culture wars issues: board meetings and governance issues, library books, and dealing with the media.

December 7, 2022 – National Council of School Attorneys

Lynn Rossi Scott will be speaking at the national Council of School Attorneys webinar on Attorney Ethical Issues Related to Board Member Misconduct.

Tom Myers
Lynn Rossi Scott
Dr. Sarah Flournoy

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