Education Law Workshop for Texas Administrators and Educators
OCTOBER 20, 2021
This pre-conference workshop is offered as part of the
Education Law Association’s 67th Annual Conference,
which attracts scholars and practitioners from all over the U.S.
8:30-9:45 – Superintendents Talk About Education in the Post-COVID Environment
Noted education leaders will discuss the challenges posed by the current pandemic as well as the fluctuating political climate and its influence on public education. A member of the Texas House of Representatives Public Education committee has been invited to participate.
- Dr. Brian Woods, Superintendent of Northside ISD
- Andrew Kim, Superintendent of Comal ISD
- Roland Hernandez, Superintendent of Corpus Christi ISD
- David Thompson, Partner, Thompson & Horton, LLP
9:45-10:45 – Discipline: Legal Updates and Practical Application
Learn practical answers to your student discipline questions from the perspective of a noted education law attorney, a seasoned administrator and distinguished education faculty.
- David Hodgins, Partner, Thompson & Horton, LLP
- Michael Boucher, Jr. , Associate Professor and Author of More than an Ally: A Caring Solidarity Framework for White Teachers
- Karen L. Burgard, Associate Professor, Texas A&M-San Antonio
- Todd Bloomer, Principal, Churchill HS, NEISD
- Moderator: Elisabeth Krimbill, Assistant Professor, Texas A&M-San Antonio
11:00-12:00 – Special Education
Will dyslexia instruction in Texas become part of special education? Is compensatory education required to be offered at every IEP meeting? What is the status of the OSEP corrective action plan for Texas? Learn the answers, and more, from these expert leaders in the field of special education law.
- Jim Walsh, Attorney, Walsh, Gallegos, Trevino, Kyle, and Robinson, PC
- Amy Strauch, Special Education Coordinator, ESC- Region 20
- Dr. Theresa Garfield, Associate Professor, Texas A&M- SA
- Sean Kearney, Professor, Texas A&M- San Antonio
- Moderator: Chris Borreca, Partner, Thompson & Horton, LLP
Attendees of this pre-conference are eligible to register for virtual participation in the rest of the ELA conference for the discounted price of $100 (normally $200 for ELA members or $350 for nonmembers) or for in-person attendance at the main conference for the discounted price of $300 (normally $350 for ELA members or $550 for nonmembers).
12:45-1:45 – Culture Wars in the Classroom
The Texas legislature passed laws regarding curriculum content and penalties for teachers and districts that violate them. Are they constitutional? Do teachers have rights which can be asserted following disciplinary action? Come hear 1st Amendment expert Christopher Gilbert and others from several universities in Texas discuss these important developments.
- Marisa Pèrez-Dìaz, State of Texas, Board of Education, District 3
- Carl Sheperis, Dean of the College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M-San Antonio
- Chris Gilbert, Partner, Thompson & Horton, LLP
- Moderator: Elisabeth Krimbill, Assistant Professor, Texas A&M-San Antonio
1:45-2:45 – Federal and State Legal Updates and Initiatives
Wondering how the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) money will be used in Texas? Join these leading experts in school finance and policy as they walk you through the intricacies of school funding following the largest infusion of federal money in history for the state.
- Michelle Smith, Vice President of Policy & Advocacy, Raise Your Hand Texas
- Amanda Brownson, Director of Policy & Research, Texas Association of School Business Officials
- Karen Smith, CFO, Cypress Fairbanks ISD
- Bob Popinski, Policy Director, Raise Your Hand Texas
- Moderator: Chris Borreca, Partner, Thompson & Horton, LLP
3:00-3:45 – Title IX and Educator Misconduct Updates
No topic causes more concern to educational administrators than Title IX. It no longer concerns only equity issues in student athletics. It now permeates all aspects of education. Learn the latest from these experts.
- David Thompson, Professor, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Catherine Robert, Assistant Professor, University of Texas, Arlington
- Brandon Tate, Educator, Northside ISD
- Jackie Wernz, Partner, Thompson & Horton, LLP
- Moderator: Elisabeth Krimbill, Assistant Professor, Texas A&M-San Antonio
3:45-4:30 – Personnel Issues
Learn the latest on new cases and developments in the law under EEOC, ADA, Title VII and Texas
Education Code Ch. 21. These experts have advised public school district administrators for many years. They will share the most practical tips with you to keep you out of the courthouse.
- Wayne Haglund, Attorney, Haglund Law Firm
- Lynn Rossi Scott, Attorney, Brackett & Ellis, PC
- Craig Wood, Attorney, Walsh, Gallegos, Treviño, Kyle, & Robinson, PC
- Moderator: Chris Borreca, Partner, Thompson & Horton, LLP
For information about the ELA Annual Conference, with a link to registration for the workshop, the conference, or both, visit educationlaw.org.
To go directly to registration, click here.
Attendees of this pre-conference are eligible to register for virtual participation in the rest of the ELA conference for the discounted price of $100 (normally $200 for ELA members or $350 for nonmembers) or for in-person attendance at the main conference for the discounted price of $300 (normally $350 for ELA members or $550 for nonmembers).